Social Responsibility



Nowadays running a company is a big responsibility when it comes to ethics. We are obligated to lead the way with model behaviour. Etilab strives to be in the forefront also when it comes to business responsibility, abiding human rights, and caring for the environment. All of us working at Etilab are doing all we can to achieve that goal, regardless of position or experience. We also expect our clients, suppliers, subcontractors, temporary employees, and other third parties working with us to abide by this code or their own similar standards. We at Etilab know how crucial it is to follow rules, laws and our own ethical standards while practicing business. This code reflects the values that we respect and wants to follow. It is a set of model behaviours for our employees when in relation to interactions with their co-workers and employers, as well as clients, associates, and local communities in business and semi-business situations. 


The following code is spread and popularised by the management at Etilab and the personnel department. 

1. Our values

            Attention to the highest workplace standards

We believe that the best foundation to managing a modern and stable company is are people. As a company we respect and observe international standards regarding human rights and international workplace standards, taking them to be fundamental and prevalent.

            Relations with clients

Some of the most important rules when it comes to company-client relations are: our responsibility for the success of our clients, as well as respect and candour in relation to their needs. We make sure our clients receive the best quality products, which are manufactured by people of unique abilities and experience. We are working together with leading research and science centres both in Poland and abroad. We do our best to ensure the final product conforms to the highest standards and the expectations of our clients.

            Environmental awareness

We draw from natural resources that are our shared heritage, all the while doing our best to do as little damage to the environment as possible. We also promote an ecological lifestyle among our employees and business partners. Caring for the environment is one of the most important criteria of social responsibility here at Etilab. 

            Efficient management

Our goal is to efficiently manage our company so that it can fulfil the expectations of our business partners in the best way possible. We have introduced a system of managing quality, health and safety at work, and information. Observing it results in a growing trust between our company and clients and suppliers. It also strengthens our image in the eyes of everyone interested in the quality of the products and services we offer, how it affects on the environment, our health and safety at work standards, as well as ensuring the safety of information and protecting personal data.

            Relations based on transparent rules

Our priority is building a relationship based on the rules of fair competition with our partners. Our decisions have business reasons. We enforce the rule of transparency while choosing our subcontractors and suppliers. 

            Contact with public sector units

It is important to us to stay on good terms with local governments in the area where run our business.

2. What is this code and at whom is it aimed?

This code was written to define behaviours that are unacceptable at Etilab, as well as to advise what to do in situations in which one’s decision may be considered a moral dilemma. The code contains tips for day to day life and co-work. However, no document could foresee all possible situations in which those dilemmas may arise. The code aims to solve those fillets and create mechanisms enabling reaching an answer. It speaks of the ethical, anti-discriminatory, and anti-corruption policy of our company, as well as the rules regarding reporting any inaccuracies, law-breaking, danger to health and safety at work or the health of clients and third parties, the well-being of the natural environment, practising unfair competition, as well as trying to conceal any of the aforementioned situations. It allows all employees, regardless of position, to report high-level issues and protects them from any possible repercussions for doing that from the employers. 

3. How to recognise unethical behaviour or an ethical dilemma?

Try to answer some of the following questions: 

            1. Am I being treated the same as all my coworkers?

            2. Does my coworkers’ behaviour make me feel uncomfortable?

            3. Do I follow generally approved moral rules?

            4. Do my employers give me tasks to complete that breach work discipline?

            5. Have I witnessed or taken part in situations which could be read as corruption?

            6. Is what me and my coworkers do legal, just, and honesty?

            7. What would this situation look like had it been spoken of by the media?

            8. How would I feel if my family and friends learned of my actions?

4. To whom should you turn with any questions or doubts?

Should you have any concerns or questions, the first person to turn to is your employer. If you feel like you cannot talk to them or you don’t know where else to turn for help, you can contact the Ethics Advocate by e-mail at or by phone: 607 640 612. 

5. Workplace relations


Regardless of position, all employees, coworkers, and partners should be respected, as well as have their dignity, privacy, and the privacy of their family life respected.

            Diversity and tolerance

We believe that it’s people who make a modern and stable company; we all create the workplace together. As a company we respect and obey the international laws regarding human rights and international workplace standards, believing them to be fundamental and common. We do not discriminate against anyone based on their race, social status, ethnicity, religion, disability, gender, sexuality, relationship political belonging, age or marital status. We guarantee freedom of opinion, conscience, religion, and speech. Etilab is a company free of any practices working against the dignity of any person. It is forbidden to discriminate against anyone based on their gender, race, disability, nationality, sexuality, age, religion, political opinion, worldview, financial situation or cultural disctinctiveness. Any form of discrimination, mobbing, bullying or sexual assault are unacceptable and will be unambiguously stigmatised and fought against.

            Health and safety at work

For years safety has been our priority at Etilab. We prevent dangerous situations by always following Poland’s regulations. We monitor threats and make sure to prevent them so that our workplace remains safe. At the same time we demand that the companies working with Etilab observe the rules of our company. Safety is Etilab’s priority. Each employee is obligated to observe the health and safety rules here, as well as report any observed threats and inconsistencies, also when it comes to Etilab’s subcontractors and suppliers.


  • be ensured of health and safety at work measures
  • support in their personal and professional work (in accordance with their position and assessment)
  • maintaining a balance between their personal and work life
  • respect and being protected from discrimination coming from any third parties


6. Representing the company

Avoiding unethical behaviour

All employees should act in a fair way and avoid any behaviour that could negatively influence the company’s image. This means especially observing the rules of social interactions and the common law.


Employees (on their own or in collaboration with third parties) should abstain from actions that could be competitive or damaging to Etilab. 

Appearing to represent Etilab

Employees must not appear to be speaking in Etilab’s name in order to achieve things that are not the company’s gain. They also must not cite their influence at Etilab for personal gain.

Expressing one’s personal opinions as the opinions of Etilab

Employees must definitely avoid expressing their personal opinions and beliefs as Etilab’ standpoint, including engaging in public political discourse as a spokesperson of the company or expressing opinions bearing traits of slander.

Information security

Each employee must protect all confidential information, as well as notify the Administrator of Information Security of all third parties’ attempts to obtain it and of their suspicions of information leakage.

Contacting the media

The board of Etilab is responsible for all interactions with the media. An employee must not contact the media on their own account without consulting the aforementioned board. Should the media initiate an interaction, the employee should contact the board immediately. 


7. A possible conflict of interests

Conflict of interests

All employees should avoid situations in which their personal interest or the interests of their family or spouse would be in conflict with the interest of the company or could give third parties a reason to imply such conflict exists.

Notifying of a conflict of interests

Should such situation arise, the employee should notify the employer of the conflict immediately.

When in doubt

Each employee has the right to receive a clear statement on a potential conflict of interests, thus avoiding the risk of being accused of unethical behaviour. Our most important rules when it comes to interactions with our clients and suppliers are honesty and transparency. We obey all laws concerning receiving substantive profits and corruption.